ABSTRACT SUBMISSION OPENS | Monday 02 September 2024 |
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION CLOSES | Wednesday 22 January 2025 |
AUTHORS INFORMED OF OUTCOME | Wednesday 19 March 2025 |
Abstract submission opens
Monday 02 September 2024
Abstract submission closes
Wednesday 12 February 2025
Authors informed of outcome
Wednesday 19 March 2025
Authors to submit talks and/or posters
Wednesday 30 April 2025
All abstracts must be original empirical research that has not been previously published.
Abstracts must relate to child health technology.
Case studies are not permitted.
Abstracts must be no longer than 300 words.
Abstracts must be written in plain English for a general audience.
Abstracts must include the following headings: background, aims, methods, results, discussion.
You may include one table. Tables must include a title and fit on one A4 page. Please note that tables should be inserted as images, tables inserted using the function above will count towards the word count.
You may include one figure. Figures must include a legend. Colour figures should be at least 72 dpi in RGB colours. Greyscale figures and line art should be at least 72 dpi. Acceptable image formats include: jpg, png, tiff.
References are not required.
Keywords are not permitted.
The first author is the primary contact for the abstract and has responsibility for the content of the abstract on behalf of all co-authors.
The submitting author must be listed as an author of the abstract.
The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that each author has legitimately contributed to the study and guaranteeing the final version of the abstract.
Should your abstract be successful, at least one author must register for the conference and present the abstract in the allocated session.
There is no maximum number of authors.
Successful abstracts will be published in the digital conference abstract booklet.
CHT2025 will include both oral and poster presentations.
- Successful oral abstract presenters will need to self-record a video of their talk.
- Successful poster abstract presenters will need to submit a pdf of their poster to the conference team via Dropbox or email. Poster presenters will also have the option to submit a two-minute audio file explaining their poster, which will accompany the poster in the virtual poster gallery.
Detailed guidance will be circulated to successful abstract presenters.
Both oral presentations and poster presentations will need to submit their final contributions no later than 17:00 GMT on Friday 11 April 2025. Please note that submissions are required ahead of the conference in order to integrate them into the conference platform.