Introducing the Minimum Digital Living Standard



This 60-minute webinar provides an induction to the Minimum Digital Living Standard (MDLS). MDLS is a response to the significant challenges experienced by households in accessing digital technology whether it be for work, education, leisure, health, or wellbeing.

The MDLS is a major research project led by the University of Liverpool in partnership with Loughborough University, City University, and the Good Things Foundation.

This project has developed a measure of digital inclusion, which was generated by citizens based on their own experiences and needs. This project seeks to move digital inclusion policy and research debates beyond simple measures of access and skills.

Definition of MDLS:

A minimum digital standard of living includes, but is more than, having accessible internet, adequate equipment, and the skills, knowledge, and support people need. It is about being able to communicate, connect, and engage with opportunities safely and with confidence.

Added on: 04 October 2024